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Redeem T+0

Tue, 23 April 2024

Redeem T+0

Fitur Pencairan (Redemption) pada hari yang sama (T+0)   Salah satu privileges berinvestasi reksadana di Phillip Asset Management adalah fitur pencairan T+0, hal ini bertujuan untuk menjaga likuiditas investasi dan memberikan kemudahan pada nasabah layaknya transaksi harian seperti tabungan. Saat ini fitur pencairan T+0 dapat dilakukan pada produk reksadana Phillip Money Market Fund (PMMF) dan Phillip Money Market Fund Syariah Bermanfaat (PMMFSB) dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : 1. Nilai yang di reedem adalah jumlah nominal produk bukan jumlah unitnya.  Contoh: Redeem PMMF...

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Upgrade Fasilitas AKSes KSEI

Mon, 17 April 2023

Upgrade Fasilitas AKSes KSEI

Informasi Penyampaian Surat atau Bukti Konfirmasi dan Laporan Berkala Reksa Dana Secara Elektronik Melalui AKSes KSEI   Bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa dengan adanya penyesuaian Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 1/SEOJK.04/2020 tanggal 17 Februari 2020 tentang Tata Cara Penyesuaian Surat dan Bukti Konfirmasi dan Laporan Berkala Reksa Dana Secara Elektronik Melalui Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu, dapat disampaikan bahwa per tanggal 17 Februari 2021 seluruh Bukti Transaksi dan Laporan Bulanan Reksa Dana akan disampaikan oleh Bank Kustodian melalui Fasilitas AKSes y...

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Penerapan E-Meterai

Fri, 14 April 2023

Penerapan E-Meterai

Berlakunya kebijakan pembubuhan E-Meterai pada setiap sistem elektronik Memberikan kesetaraan antara dokumen kertas dan elektronik, hal ini juga dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pembayaran bea meterai yang terutang atas dokumen berbentuk elektronik.Sehubungan dengan itu kami informasikan bahwa efektif 1 Maret 2022, akan diberlakukannya pengenaan Bea Meterai sebesar Rp. 10.000 atas setiap surat atau bukti transaksi (Pembelian/Subcription, Penjualan/Redemption, Pengalihan (swicth-in/Switch-Out)) Reksa Dana, untuk jumlah transaksi unit penyertaan harian diatas Rp. 10.000.000 dan diter...

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Fri, 01 August 2014

Comparison of Mutual Funds (PMMF Illustrated)

On June 1, 2013 an investor have amount of funds Rp. 100.000.000. That investor have Risk Conservative Profile (Low Risk). Which of the following investment instruments that match the risk profile of the customer and provide optimal return within a year? Saving Deposit Mutual Funds PMMF Let us count each return potential results of each of these investment tools: Investment Savings Deposit Phillip Money Market Fund Return 1% Gross / p.a or 0.8% Nett (net of tax) 6% Gross / p.a or 4.8% Nett (net of tax 20%) 5.97% Nett / p.a (April 2014) Administration charges ...

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Fri, 01 August 2014

What is Investment

Investment is an integral part of your financial plan. Based on past performance, investing in stocks and bonds over the long term had better returns than savings. But, many investor don’t have enough time and information for choosing and monitoring this investment. For this funds was created. Mutual Funds are becoming very popular as a way to invest in stocks and bonds with diversified risk.

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Fri, 01 August 2014

Benefits and Risks of Mutual Funds

Benefits Ease of Investing Manage by Professional Management Diversification of investments to reduce risk High Liquidity Low Cost Investment Information Transparency Risks Decrease in Net Asset Value (NAV) Liquidity, in case of liquefaction in a large number of simultaneously Changes in the economic, political and taxing regulations

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Fri, 01 August 2014

A Glance of Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds is a container for a group of investors to collect their funds collectively to be invested into a portfolio of securities (usually stocks or bonds) for a specific investment objective. Mutual Funds are managed by the Investment Manager and administered by the Custodian Bank. Mutual Fund is the right choice for investors, because the fund is managed by a professional investment manager. In addition, investors are given the opportunity to diversify their investments thus greatly reducing the risk compared with investment in stocks. Understanding before buying Mutual Funds Before b...

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All of information on this site are prepared for informational purpose only, it's not an offering to buy or sell or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities or financial instruments mentioned on this site, it's not an investment advice also. Any decision to invest in financial instruments that have been described here, should be made after reading the most recent prospectus, which can be obtained from PT. Phillip Asset Management. Investment through mutual funds contains risks so, all of potential investors must read and understand the prospectus before investing through the mutual funds. Past performance does not reflect the future performance.