History of PT. Phillip Asset Management


PT. Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia obtained an Investment Manager license


PT. Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia launched the Phillip Rupiah Balanced Fund (PRBF) Mutual Fund


PT. Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia launched the Phillip Money Market Fund (PMMF) Mutual Fund

November 2011

Deed of Establishment of PT. Phillip Asset Management

Maret 2014

PT. Phillip Asset Management obtained a business license from the Financial Services Authority (OJK)

Mei 2014

Investment management activities were transferred (spin off) from PT Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia to PT. Phillip Asset Management

Maret 2017

PT. Phillip Asset Management launches the Phillip Government Bond (PGB) Mutual Fund

Customer Care

     E-mail : marketing-mi@phillip.co.id ||   Telephone : 021-57900910    ||   Fax : 021-57906770

PT Philip Asset Management is Licensed and Supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Indonesia
