Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance (GCG) is a system that serves as a guide or direction for controlling a company in order to achieve a balance between power and authority in a professional manner based on basic principles which include:

    1. Transparency
    2. Accountability
    3. Responsibility
    4. Independence
    5. Reasonability and health

In connection with the implementation of the five basic principles mentioned above, the Company has been guided by the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 10/POJK.04/2018 dated 01 August 2018 concerning Implementation of Investment Manager Governance and Financial Services Authority Circular Letter Number 19/SEOJK.04/ 2018 concerning the Report of the Implementation of Investment Manager Governance and applicable laws and regulations related to the implementation of Investment Manager Governance

Main Function

Principles of Work Guidelines for the Board of Commissioners

The main duties of the Board of Commissioners are oversight of management policies, the course of managing Investment Managers in general, and providing advice to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Commissioners directs, monitors and evaluates the implementation of the Investment Manager's strategic policies. In the case of making decisions regarding matters stipulated in the articles of association or provisions of laws and regulations, the decision is made in its function as supervisor.

Principles of the Board of Directors Work Guidelines

  1. The Board of Directors are in charge of carrying out and being responsible for management, for the benefit of the company in accordance with the aims and objectives set out in the articles of association. In accordance with the authority of the Board of Directors regulated in the provisions of laws and regulations and the articles of association.

  2. The Board of Directors are responsible for implementing Governance and each member of the Board of Directors must carry out management in good faith, prudence and full responsibility.

  3. Providing accurate, relevant and timely data and information to the Board of Commissioners and the sharia investment management unit for sharia products.

  4. Following up on findings and recommendations from:
    1. Risk management, compliance and internal audit functions
    2. External audit findings
    3. The results of the supervision of the Board of Commissioners
    4. Results of supervision of the Financial Services Authority
    5. The results of the supervision of the Sharia Supervisory Board

  5. The Board of Directors are fully responsible, including financially, for all actions related to the activities of the company, employees and other parties working for the company.

  6. Each member of the Board of Directors are personally responsible for the company's losses if the person concerned is guilty or negligent in carrying out his duties


Code Of Ethics

PT Phillip Asset Management carries out its business activities in a professional manner, based on good business ethics as stipulated in the laws and regulations in the Capital Markets sector which regulate the behavior of Investment Managers.

The application of the code of ethics at PT Phillip Asset Management is divided into several sections, starting from the code of ethics in business, the code of ethics for investor relations, the code of ethics for investment management, and conflicts of interest. All of these things are neatly formed and arranged in the corporate governance guidelines with the aim that PT Phillip Asset Management in carrying out its business is more focused, professional, competent, prioritizes the interests of investors, can use reasonable considerations (rational), ensures honest, accurate disclosure of information , complete, and easy to understand.


Risk Management and Internal Audit

The risk management, compliance and internal audit functions are coordinated by a person who has direct reporting channels to the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. These functions act independently and have unrestricted access to other functions.

The following is a brief description of the risk management function, compliance and internal audit :

The risk management function regularly monitors and reviews the implementation of the Risk Management strategy and monitors the overall risk position as well as implementing effective Risk Management in accordance with the size and complexity of the Investment Manager's business.

The Compliance Function ensures that the business processes carried out by PT Phillip Asset Management comply with the regulations set by the Government, Financial Services Authority and regulators. Monitor the running of standard operating procedures for each function inside PT Phillip Asset Management is running well.

Internal Audit Function

    1. Make planning, controlling and recording all implementation of internal audit activities.
    2. Make all records of findings, conclusions, recommendations and implementation of internal audit activities.
    3. Prepare an internal audit report and report it to the Board of Commissioners.


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PT Philip Asset Management is Licensed and Supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Indonesia
